AP and The New York Times earn Pulitzers for Ukraine war coverage

The Associated Press won two awards for its reporting and photography, including the prestigious Public Service Prize, while The New York Times won for its mix of reporting and investigative reporting on the conflict. .

The Times won for Illustrated Reporting and Commentary for a piece by Mona Salafi in the Times examining the wealth of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

AP’s journalists were among the last to leave the international news agency after Russian troops came under fire in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. They documented its fall before escaping. Apart from the public service award, considered the top prize, the news agency also won the Breaking News Photography Award for its coverage.

The Alabama news website, AL.com, won two Pulitzer Prizes. The organization was awarded the prize for local news reporting Cont By John Archibald, Ashley Remkus, Ramsey Archibald, and Shalen Stephens, the police force in the town of Brookside reveals how it boosted its revenue by issuing traffic citations and impounding vehicles.

AL.com also won a Commentary Award for columns by political columnist Kyle Whitmire, who explored how Alabama’s Confederate history continues to affect the state.

Another prize for local reporting went to Mississippi Today’s Anna Wolff for her investigation into a $77 million welfare scandal that revealed how former Mississippi Gov. Bill Bryant funneled funds to benefit family and friends, including former NFL quarterback Brett Favre.

The Los Angeles Times won a Breaking News Reporting Award for its coverage Leaked audio recording Officials taunted people with racial slurs and insulted other council members in a secret conversation between Los Angeles City Council members. The uproar prompted the resignation of two leaders involved: City Council President Noori Martinez and Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera.

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The Los Angeles Times also won in the Feature Photography category. Photojournalist Christina House was awarded the prize Pictures A 22-year-old pregnant woman lives in a tent on the streets of Hollywood and tries to navigate her situation.

The National Reporting Award went to Carolyn Kitchener of The Washington Post for her coverage of the outcome of the Roe v. Wade reversal. story A Texas teenager found out she was pregnant with twins 48 hours before the state’s abortion ban went into effect.

The Washington Post also won a feature reporting prize for Eli Chaslow’s work portraying the struggles of people across America, including those facing homelessness and addiction or adapting to life after the pandemic. A previous Pulitzer winner, Mr. Chaslow is a three-time finalist in the feature writing category. He joined The New York Times as a writer in February.

A book by two Washington Post reporters was awarded the Public Nonfiction Prize. “His Name is George Floyd: One Man’s Life and Struggle for Racial Justice” by Robert Samuels and Toulouse Olorunniba, which in 2020 sparked mass protests at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. Explores Floyd’s life. Mr. Samuels left The Post this year to join The New Yorker in March.

The Wall Street Journal’s staff was awarded the Investigative Reporting Prize Cont Investigating financial investments of senior federal officials. The reporting group examined the financial disclosures of about 12,000 officials, and found that thousands of them traded stock in companies that lobbied their agencies.

The Atlantic’s Caitlin Dickerson won the prize for explanatory reporting for her detailed 30,000-word investigation of the Trump administration’s family separation policy. Ms. Dickerson spent 18 months on the project, which revealed how U.S. officials misled Congress and the public and worked to keep immigrant families away for too long.

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The Prize for Criticism went to New York Magazine critic Andrea Long Xu for her book reviews that examine both works and their authors through multicultural lenses.

The Miami Herald’s Nancy Ancrum, Amy Driscoll, Luisa Yanez, Isadora Rangel and Lauren Costantino were awarded the editorial writing prize for the “Broken Promises” series, which shows how Florida leaders have not delivered on promises to improve communities.

An audio reporting award was presented to the staff of Gimlet Media, especially Connie Walker, for the podcast “Stolen: Surviving St. Michael’s.” Ms. Walker explored her late father’s life and his experience and that of hundreds of other Aboriginal children in Canada’s residential school system.

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